We’ve all heard the saying “a picture is worth a thousand words.” When I hear this, I immediately think of logos – must be my bias as the creator of Logoaball! But in all seriousness, logos are vital to any business. It tells people about your business, it creates a visual imagery that people associate with your business. So naturally, it is important to market your logo, shout it out and have a great branding strategy. Logoaball will help you to do just this.

As a professional tennis coach and player, I created Logoaball initially as a solution to my problems with marking my tennis balls. Not only did it save me time but it also gave me an opportunity to brand myself and the club I worked with. Today, I want to share this opportunity with you.

As a tennis club or association, branding your clubs crest and name is a great opportunity for visual marketing. Studies have shown that people relate to images faster than text so why not have your logo out there for everyone to see?

Here are some ways you can use Logoaball for branding at your club

1. Welcoming New Members

It’s always great to receive free merchandise bearing the logo and name of a club that you are proud to be associated with. We see this with many sports where clothes, equipment, bags and all such things are branded. Logoaball will allow you to offer your members a personalised and professional welcome gift in a cost effective way. Offering your members with their very own tennis balls, branded with the clubs emblem and the member’s name will go a long way in building the identity of the member that is one with the club!

2. Branding at Event and Tournaments

I’m sure as a club, you will host many tournaments. Now think about how great of an opportunity it would be if you could brand your own tennis balls exactly the way you want. The tennis balls can also be used to create fun games, raffle tickets, and giveaways at tournaments. It’s all about how creative you want to be with your Logoaball machine!

3. Never Lose your Balls

Now, this is a big one for me. Being a tennis coach at a club, I know how easy it is for tennis balls to get lost and mixed up. Marking them is also not a very effective way of identifying them because it’s not a permanent solution. Being able to offer coaches branded tennis balls with the clubs logo and the coaches name, will be a great way to not only promote the club but also strengthen the team identity. Of course, it’ll also make sure the balls are easily identifiable.

4. Accept Orders to Personalise Tennis Balls

Coaches can be given the option of placing orders for their students who would like to have their tennis balls personalized for easy identification. Other members can also be able to order a minimum number of personalised balls which they can look professional and be easily identifiable.

5. Personalised Gifts

Personalised gifts are a very popular and thoughtful idea for a special occasion. Offering a personalised pack of tennis balls at the gift shop for people that want to give them away as gifts is a great way to generate income.

6. Be in Charge

While outsourcing your branding is an option, being in charge of the outcome is a great opportunity. Owning a Logoaball machine means you can be in control of what the logo looks like and how it places on the tennis balls. In the long run, owning the machine and printing your own logos when the need arises, will be cost effective. Additionally, you won’t be forced to place a minimum order of branded tennis balls since you can create the logo and brand the tennis balls yourself. This means you can create as many or as little as you need!

We are still here to help you even when you own the machine! We can help you make your custom logos, print them and have them shipped to you. This will save you time from creating and designing the label. However, if you want to create your own labels, read our page on Custom Label Making to see how you can do it yourself.

The Logoaball machine is an easy, quick and cost effective way to offer a customised service to your members inhouse will help you stand out from the crowd.

How can you get one?

To create the best machine, we have gone through all the vigorous steps to create a prototype. Please contact me to find out more.

Cheers, Jim